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  • Personal, Social, Health, Citizenship Education (PSHCE)

    We have a large multi-cultural and harmonious community in Enfield which embraces its diversity. Schools should provide a safe environment for all pupils, regardless of their religion, cultural heritage or sexual orientation. It is also important that pupils are given the tools to understand the world around them and to respect and comply with equalities legislation. Bullying and prejudicial treatment of any form is not welcomed at Hazelbury Primary School. 


    The Twinkl Life PSHE and Citizenship curriculum enables pupils to continuously learn and develop the skills they need for life in an increasingly complex world. Pupils develop resilience and respect for themselves and others and are taught about the importance of physical and mental wellbeing. The curriculum encourages pupils to reflect on how these transferable skills will enable them to become citizens of tomorrow, on a personal, community and global level. The progressive and inclusive curriculum is adapted to consider the local context of our school and addresses topical issues that may affect and influence the lives of the pupils. 

    Twinkl Life’s PSHE and Citizenship scheme of work is fully in line with the Learning Outcomes and Core Themes provided by the PSHE Association Programme of Study which is widely used by schools in England and is recommended and referred to by the DfE in all key documentation relating to PSHE provision in schools. It covers all of the required objectives and fulfils the requirements of 2020 Statutory Relationships and Health Education, setting these learning intentions in the context of a broad and balanced PSHE curriculum.


    The Twinkl Life PSHCE curriculum is thematic in its approach and the spiral curriculum ensures progression within each year and this is built on as pupils advance through their school life. Planning is well sequenced and fosters the enquiry skills that pupils develop throughout other curriculum areas. 

    All units are designed to be delivered in a creative manner, with oracy at the forefront of every lesson. Children are encouraged to listen actively and respond appropriately, express their thoughts and opinions confidently and given the space to seek information and clarification through their own questioning. Lessons also highlight key words, building a rich vocabulary to develop understanding.

    Also embedded within the lessons is dedicated time and opportunities for pupils to learn and practise mindfulness strategies, supporting our whole school approach to wellbeing. In addition to our regular PSHCE lessons, throughout the academic year we have dedicated assemblies and enrichment opportunities which also make a significant contribution to personal development. Our pupils are also given an opportunity to share their voices as Safety and Wellbeing champions. 


    Our pupils will be prepared for life outside school and the future. They will understand the importance of respectful relationships and physical and mental wellbeing. Having promoted personal development, our pupils will be independent and resilient; confident in managing their feelings and behaviour with an awareness of the impact they can have through their voices and when expressing themselves. With a developed confidence in managing risks and knowing how to seek help, children will apply their knowledge and skills learnt in PSHCE into different contexts.


    At Hazelbury pupil’s personal development is furthered through a wealth of enrichment opportunities.

    • Charity events – Children in Need, Sports Relief, Comic Relief
    • Global awareness days/week – Anti-Bullying Week, World Mental Health Day, Children’s Mental Health Week, BNF Healthy Eating Week, Road Safety
    • Working with the local community – fire station, nurse, dentist, care home, community police officer visits 
    • Global and social action projects – WE
    • Annual visit to WE Day 
    • Assemblies – NSPCC, Anti-Bullying Pro, The Felix-Project
    • Workshops –Prevent, Gang awareness 

    *Relationships and Sex Education 

    From September 2020, all primary schools in England will be required to teach Relationships Education, all secondary schools in England will be required to teach Relationships and Sex Education, and all schools in England will be required to teach Health Education. At primary level all schools will be required to teach about different types of committed stable relationships, which includes LGBT relationships.

    Our curriculum has been carefully planned and includes sex education to prepare our pupils for life in modern Britain, ensuring they understand the diverse world they are growing up in today.  We intend to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, tolerance and mutual respect of those with different faiths and beliefs. Within our schools, our aim is to promote tolerance and understanding to instil the importance of kindness, treating everyone equally and respecting difference. Care and safety are paramount for positive relationships. Through this, the pupils will explore the complexity of relationships they will have both now and throughout their lives.  

    Parents will not have the right to withdraw their children from Relationships Education. Parents can request to withdraw their children from Sex Education during primary school. 

    The school have parent meetings every year prior to the teaching of sex education where parents are shown the content in which the children are taught within their child's year group.

    If you would like to withdraw your child as discussed above you need to write a letter to the Headteacher, Laura Pearce. 

    Please find below the curriculum objectives for each year group. Please also find below an information sheet for parents regarding the new curriculum.